Fire Force Season 3

Fire Force Season 3: Everything You Need to Know!

Anime fans worldwide are eagerly awaiting the release of Fire Force Season 3. The series, based on the best-selling manga by Atsushi Ohkubo, has captivated audiences with its unique blend of action, supernatural elements, and compelling characters.

The story follows Shinra, a young firefighter with the ability to ignite his feet at will, as he battles against entities known as “Infernals.”

Release Date

Fire Force Season 3 Release Date

While the official release date for Fire Force Season 3 has not been announced, it is expected to premiere sometime in 2023 or 2024.

The confirmation of the third season was made in May 2022, and based on the pattern of previous seasons, fans can expect the new season to hit the screens within a year or two of the announcement.

Change of Studios

One of the most significant developments for Fire Force Season 3 is the potential change of animation studios.

A recent leak suggests that Studio Shaft, known for its work on the Monogatari series, will take over from David Production, the studio responsible for the first two seasons.

This change has sparked a mix of excitement and apprehension among fans, as David Production has been praised for its smooth and almost 3D-like animation in the series.

Fire Force Anime Season 3

Plot Expectations

Fire Force Season 3 is set to continue from the Stigma arc, where Shinra and the other members of the Fire Force confront the formidable adversaries of The White-Clad.

The arc also introduces new members of Special Fire Force Company 8 training in Asakusa with Special Fire Force Company 7.

The next arc, Obi’s rescue arc, shows Company 8 getting ready to fight their own country to retrieve Captain Akitaru Obi from jail.


With the manga series having ended in February 2022, the upcoming seasons of the anime have a clear path to follow. Whether the remaining 130 chapters will be covered in Season 3 alone or split into a fourth season remains to be seen.

Regardless, fans can look forward to more thrilling battles, character development, and plot twists in Fire Force Season 3.

More Information About Fire Force Season 3

AnimeFire Force
Seasons2 (Season 3 confirmed)
Manga Chapters304
Manga Volumes34
Original Manga RunSeptember 2015 – February 2022
Animation Studio (Season 1 & 2)David Production
Animation Studio (Season 3 – Rumored)Studio Shaft
Release Date (Season 3 – Expected)2023 or 2024


When is Fire Force Season 3 coming out?

Fire Force Season 3

While the official release date has not been announced, it is expected to premiere sometime in 2023 or 2024.

Will there be a change of studios for Fire Force Season 3?

A recent leak suggests that Studio Shaft will take over from David Production for the animation of Fire Force Season 3.

What can we expect from the plot of Fire Force Season 3?

The third season is set to continue from the Stigma arc and will likely cover the Obi’s rescue arc.

Is the Fire Force manga series over?

Yes, the Fire Force manga series ended in February 2022.

Where can I watch Fire Force?

You can watch episodes of Fire Force on Fumination and Toonami on the Adult Swim Network.

How many chapters of the manga does Fire Force Season 2 cover?

Season 2 of Fire Force covers up to chapter 174 of the manga.

From which chapter will Fire Force Season 3 start?

Fire Force Season 3 will start from chapter 175 of the manga.

Who are the new members of Special Fire Force Company 8?

The new members of Special Fire Force Company 8 will be introduced in the Stigma arc.

What is the Stigma arc about?

The Stigma arc involves the confrontation between the members of the Fire Force and The White-Clad.

What is the Obi’s rescue arc about?

The Obi’s rescue arc shows Company 8 getting ready to fight their own country to retrieve Captain Akitaru Obi from jail.

Who is the author of the Fire Force manga?

The Fire Force manga was penned by Atsushi Ohkubo.

Written by Rajat